the right way - Catholic education is the answer CHOOSE 27th of March 2021 Short Substitute
The Short Substitute Programme
will take place on the 25th 26th and 27th of March 2021
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04 Jan 2021 The Commencement of the
New Academic Year for 2021
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MATTERS… Every Single Catholic Child
  • To equip each catholic child with an integral education which opens avenues for infinite possibilities in life...

Our Motto

Glory of God is person fully alive…


Our Vision

To prepare integral personalities whose life is overshadowed by the power of the Holy Spirit, that they may outshine the fundamental Christian and...


Our Mission

To impart Catholic education to every single Catholic child by way of academic, religious, extra-curricular, personal and communitarian...

Upcoming Events
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Message from the General Manager

Learning is forming
oneself to be a wholesome personage…

The Catholic education system in the Archdiocese of Colombo is designed and geared towards being on familiar terms with the true identity of a child in the given age.
It will avail host of opportunities within the reach of the child which one will grasp in view of placing oneself within a host of activities.
It values the dignity, differences and the infinite possibilities of our children, while helping the child to be the best version of oneself that one could become.
The aspect of faith plays a major role to give to the local church the sons and daughters who consider living a life of faith in the Lord as the most required pre-requisite.

Important Messages


Issuing of applications for grade one classes of 2023 in Catholic Private Schools and Catholic International Schools in the Archdiocese of Colombo

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Precautions for COVID 19

We would like to invite all our students to take best of precautions during this time of trial with the fast spread of COVID 19. While we invite you to pray to the Lord to protect each and every one of us, we also invite you to follow the health guidelines in order to protect yourself and others.



During this difficult period of COVID 19, we request the parents and the students to continue to do the learning with the available resources. If the school organizes online classes, kindly attend to them with enthusiasm. Let us try to recover the lost time for a better purpose.